Saturday, October 8, 2011


Well today is day 2 on the hcg diet.
Today was very hard because we went to the pumpkin patch where they were having a bake sale. I am normally not a big sweets person but when your only eating 500 calories dirt with the right seasoning sounds appetizing. 
I wish I could say that I am starting to get the hang of the diet but it's still very hard. I am going to try to drink tonssss of fluid tomorroiw to try and fill up more. I am dreading tomoorow because it is Justin and I's date day and have no idea what I'm going to eat since curry house is out of the question...
God being fat sucks!!!!!

Well here we go with what I ate today...

red apple
black coffee

corn on the cob
zevia soda

hot dog
3 egg whites with garlic



1 comment:

  1. That's not a lot of food. Do you get full on that because I don't think I would. Are you supposed to drink a lot of water to counteract eating or how does it work? Now I'm curious!! :) Keep up the good work love!
